About L.P.P.I


With Loan Payment Protection Insurance you can ensure you and your loved ones are not burdened with financial pressure in the event you are made redundant, or cannot work due to illness or a serious accident, or in the event of your passing.

With Loan Payment Protection Insurance you can ensure you and your loved ones are not burdened with financial pressure in the event you are made redundant, or cannot work due to illness or a serious accident, or in the event of your passing.

Your loan repayments are the last thing you need to worry about in these situations. Loan Protection insurance means you can focus on the important things in life.

One of the key features of Loan Payment Protection Insurance is that it covers the borrower’s loan payments for a certain period of time, typically between 6 and 12 months. This means that if the borrower is unable to work due to illness or injury, or if they lose their job, the insurance will cover their loan payments for the duration of the policy. This can provide much-needed financial relief to borrowers who may otherwise struggle to make their loan payments and risk damaging their credit score.

Another advantage of Loan Payment Protection Insurance is that it can be customized to fit the needs of the borrower. For example, some policies may offer coverage for specific types of illnesses or injuries, while others may provide coverage for all types of unexpected events. This allows borrowers to tailor their coverage to their specific needs and budget.


It’s for everyone. Payment Protection Insurance is designed to help you if you find yourself unable to meet your monthly repayments due to an inability to work. Possible reasons your Payment Protection Insurance would begin to pay out would be due to things such as sickness, accident or redundancy.


✓ Repays your loan if you pass away*
✓ Covers your repayments if you can’t work due to an accident or illness (until the loan is paid off or you go back to work, whichever happens first)*
✓ Provides up to 12 months repayments if you find yourself involuntarily unemployed*
✓ Optional insurance that can be tailored for your family and your budget*
✓ No medical tests required *

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